Pasta Bridges

Event Type: Children's Program
Age Group(s): Children
Date: 2/22/2025
Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Time: 2:00 PM
 Junior Engineers Unite! We are going to build bridges out of pasta and see how much weight it can hold! Join us while we conquer other engineering challenges like who can make the longest paper chain and how to balance a marshmallow on a spaghetti noodle! Registration required.
Library: Greensburg Hempfield Area Library
Location: Greensburg Hempfield Area Library
Registration Ends: 2/20/2025 at 12:00 PM
Status: Waiting List (2)
Please Note
  • Attendee must be between the ages of 6 Years and 12 Years old.

*Attendee First Name:
*Attendee Last Name:
*Attendee Phone Number: () -  Ext.
Alternate Phone Number: () -  Ext.
Attendee Email Address:
*Parent/Guardian Name:
*Attendee Age:
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