How to: Self-Publishing

Event Type: STEM
Age Group(s): Adult, Young Adult, Teens
Date: 2/25/2025
Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Time: 7:30 PM
 Join us for a special evening with award-winning local author Leslie Savisky. In addition to being a novelist, Leslie is a freelance writer for Pittsburgh Parent magazine and the Tribune-Review, specifically the Monroeville Times Express.

Although she has worked in the social service and mental health fields for most of her adult life, Leslie always had a true passion for writing. Her three self-published novels include: Other People’s Words, Almost Too Late, and These Broken Pieces.

Discussion topics at the program will include:
~How Savisky took traumatic events from her childhood and used creativity to turn those events into her debut novel, a fictional thriller, while examining society and mental health.
~Savisky’s personal writing and self-publishing journey
~An overview of different self-publishing avenues
~Tips on getting set up with Amazon KDP or IngramSpark
~How to market your books and gain exposure as an independent author
~The pros and cons of self-publishing

This will be a casual and informative discussion, not a formal lecture, and perfect for those interested in exploring self-publishing. Join us if you’re curious about Leslie’s books and the ins-and-outs of self-publishing. Savisky will have copies of her books for purchase via cash, Venmo, or PayPal.

Registration is required for this free event. Space is limited.

For additional information, please contact Greensburg Hempfield Area Library at 724-837-5620 and ask for Jill.

Library: Greensburg Hempfield Area Library
Location: Greensburg Area Library
Status: Waiting List (0 of 10)

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