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Storytelling in Song with Tom Beckman

Event Type: All Ages
Age Group(s): Everyone
Date: 7/8/2024
Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Time: 7:00 PM
 Enjoy a musical evening with acoustic singer-songwriter Tom Beckman. “There is a song in every thought and moment, just have to stop once in a while and breathe it in to life. I invite you to come hear a few of my stories in song. Guitar and a voice. Somewhat simple. No big show or digital lights. We are not the ‘in’ thing. We are not for commerce, and never will be. And thus, I challenge you to come for a brief time, just open your mind to an experience not so capital…accept the difference and enjoy us as we are. And perhaps we will all leave this event with thoughts on new approaches to our life’s experience.” Register online at or call the library at 724-327-1102.
Library: Murrysville Community Library
Location: Conference Room #1
Status: Closed

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