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Hand Spinning and Knitting with Dorothy Gallagher

Event Type: Adult Program
Age Group(s): Adult
Date: 2/19/2024
Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Time: 1:00 PM
 In the past, spinning wool and knitting were done out of necessity. Today, fast fashion and an abundance of options in the Plastics Age mean that fiber arts have taken on a new meaning.

Join Dorothy Gallagher, a “mindful spinner,” to learn how old art forms can actually be part of a modern way of living. Learn how you can practice mindfulness, gratitude, and self-development through the art and craft of making garments from natural fibers and methods. Dorothy is an experienced artist and teacher in knitting, spinning, and embroidery. She will demonstrate how she spins her own yarn by hand, and share her latest fiber art pieces. Her presentation will also explain how she uses library resources for her art, and sources fiber from a local shepherdess who owns a flock of Shetland sheep.

RSVP by registering below or calling 724-327-1102.
Library: Murrysville Community Library
Location: Murrysville Community Library
Status: Closed

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