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Aging With Grace: The Science Behind Maximizing Age While Minimizing Senility.

Event Type: Virtual Event
Age Group(s): Adult
Date: 6/27/2022
Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Time: 3:00 PM
 In medicine we often mistake age for senility. It cannot be denied that as our bodies age we become less resilient, but this does not need to result in a rapid deterioration of function and vitality. We can take advantage of our body's own ability to heal and improve by challenging it and feeding it appropriately, no matter the age. This discussion will outline the science behind the process of putting off senility as we advance our age. After all, what good is a long life if you cannot LIVE it?
Virtual Program: Registration with a valid email address is required to receive the link to participate.
Library: Murrysville Community Library
Location: Virtual Program online
Status: Closed

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